Shaker Pointe’s Core Values

An image of a red heart surrounded by outstretched hands.

In the fall of 2022, surveys were sent out to every resident and staff member at Shaker Pointe asking, “In a few words, what do you think are the core values of Shaker Pointe?”

What Do I Do With The Stuff My Kids Don’t Want?

Couple carries moving boxes

So, you’ve made the Big Decision—you’ll be downsizing and moving into a 55+ independent living community.  But if you’re thinking you’ll just bequeath all of your possessions to family, you may want to come up with a backup plan. Seniors who are downsizing are finding more and more that their children, or other younger relatives, […]

How Do I Talk To My Grandkids About Gender?

Transgender people have existed as long as humanity itself, but the last few years have seen a substantial shift in the way younger generations think about gender. Society is moving past the simple binaries of the 20th Century (e.g. male and female). The shift in the way these topics are discussed has provided many people […]

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